Are You Living In a Science Fiction Universe?

Stories have a beautiful way of transporting us. They pluck us out of everyday life, putting us in another place and time, a place where we can explore, where we come across characters of all varieties, and where our imaginations are free to roam.

Today marks the start of a new mini-series of posts titled Are You Living In fill-in-the-blank, where we’ll look at some obvious ways to determine if you’re living in a particular type of world…or in this case, universe. 😉

space stationStarting off the series is the wonderful world of science fiction. How do you know if you’re living in a science fiction universe? Here are 35 ways to tell.

  1. Spaceships explode in space.
  2. Faster-than-light travel is possible.
  3. Earth is but one of many inhabited planets.
  4. If you see anyone wearing a red shirt, you begin planning a funeral.
  5. Aliens exist.
  6. Multiple space stations float in the inky void surrounding earth.
  7. No one is interested in exploring Mars anymore. It’s the equivalent to visiting your neighbor across the street instead of traveling abroad.
  8. People use long, techy-sounding or scientific words. Examples include microplasm, retro-fitted mini-blaster, and
  9. Computers talk to you.
  10. Computers are no longer confined to screens and CPUs. They resemble humans in disturbing ways.
  11. People use phrases that begin with, “To boldly go…”
  12. New York City is always a hotbed for conflict and lots of destruction.
  13. It’s not a cultural shock to see someone with pointy ears.
  14. Technology such as smartphones and Bluetooth devices are considered ancient.
  15. Alternate dimensions have been discovered.
  16. Most physical ailments can be taken care of with a wave from a magical medical stick.
  17. News anchors no longer talk cover worldwide events. They cover news from across the galaxy.
  18. Paper is obsolete. On one planet, this is rumored to be true because all the books were burned.
  19. There are talking potatoes who have a highly combative nature.
  20. You meet a hitchhiker who has written an extensive guide on the nature of his travels.
  21. Vacation magazines advertise exotic locations on distant planets.
  22. On earth, cars are no longer the primary form of transportation.
  23. You can play three-dimensional chess.
  24. There’s always one belligerent race trying to stir up conflict beneath the surface while maintaining a diplomatic air.
  25. Vigilantes abound, garnering notoriety.
  26. Simulators take the form of holographic programs.
  27. You encounter people who possess incredible superpowers. No one seems to find it odd that some of them are named after insects or animals.
  28. Talking to a computer is the most efficient way to order your meals.
  29. Fleets are no longer comprised of seafaring vessels but of spacecraft.
  30. There top university for flight training is no longer the Air Force Academy.
  31. Police boxes have undergone a remarkable transformation.
  32. A planet explodes, wiping out a civilization.
  33. Teams of superheroes are the world’s new celebrities.
  34. Robots want to take control of your life. They insist it’s for your own good.
  35. Some dude in black keeps telling you he’s your father.

Can you think of other ways you’d know if you were living in a science fiction universe? I’d love to hear your thoughts.

2 thoughts on “Are You Living In a Science Fiction Universe?

  1. My favorites: “There are talking potatoes who have a highly combative nature” and “Some dude in black keeps telling you he’s your father.” I love Straxx! Though our meeting would be less than comforting and he will also get my gender wrong: “If you are very polite, boy, I shall drown you in acid!”

    As for Darth Vader… He’s probably my favorite villain from childhood, not withstanding his repetitive offers of joint dominion of the galaxy. I remember my 8-year-old self being simultaneously distraught and gratified when he turned out to be redeemable after all. (Reminds me of the “redeemable villain” discussion we had over at Speculative Faith.)

    1. Hehehehe, I had fun coming up with those. I hadn’t even planned on using them, but they magically popped into my head and I was like, “This. Needs. To. Be. Included.” Isn’t it great when that happens?

      Straxx is the best. He’s so serious yet so comical at the same time. Pretty awesome for a potato. 😉

      Ah yes, the redeemable villain. That was quite the discussion.

      Thanks for stopping by, Yaasha. 🙂

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