May 2, 2015Book Reviews, Books, Fantasy, Speculative Fiction Book Review: A Cast of Stones by Patrick W. Carr Outstanding in a subtle way. That’s how I would describe A Cast of Stones. Some books capture me because of the fantastic […]
April 18, 2015Book Reviews, Books, Fantasy, Speculative Fiction Book Review: From Darkness Won by Jill Williamson Great book. Even better series. Need I say more? Well, I guess it wouldn’t be fair to end there when you’re expecting […]
April 4, 2015April 4, 2015Book Reviews, Books, Fantasy Book Review: To Darkness Fled by Jill Williamson Sometimes, the second book in a trilogy is a letdown, the weak link in the chain. The first book has the advantage […]
March 21, 2015Book Reviews, Books, Fantasy Book Review: By Darkness Hid by Jill Williamson I had high expectations for By Darkness Hid, the first book in the acclaimed Blood of Kings Trilogy. But it was Christian […]
March 14, 2015Fantasy, Movie Reviews, Reviews Movie Review: The Seventh Son After seeing the trailer, I was interested in seeing The Seventh Son, mainly because it was obviously fantasy. Unfortunately, fantasy has fallen […]