April 18, 2015Book Reviews, Books, Fantasy, Speculative Fiction Book Review: From Darkness Won by Jill Williamson Great book. Even better series. Need I say more? Well, I guess it wouldn’t be fair to end there when you’re expecting […]
April 17, 2015Books, Fantasy, Fantasy Friday, Speculative Fiction Fantasy Books Worth Reading The last two weeks, my Fantasy Friday posts have complained about the lack of originality in fantasy and the clichés that are […]
April 11, 2015Books, Movies, Science Fiction, Speculative Fiction 2 Reasons the Hunger Games Movie Wasn’t as Good as the Book I know this is supposed to be movie review Saturday, but I have a confession to make. I haven’t seen any fantasy […]
April 6, 2015Books, Fantasy, Speculative Fiction 2 Lord of the Rings Myths That Aren’t True I know you’re dying to know which two myths I’m talking about, so I won’t waste any time. Let’s get started. 1. […]
April 4, 2015April 4, 2015Book Reviews, Books, Fantasy Book Review: To Darkness Fled by Jill Williamson Sometimes, the second book in a trilogy is a letdown, the weak link in the chain. The first book has the advantage […]