Time for sweaters, crackling fires, apple cider…and TV shows.
One of the best things about September and October, apart from the weather and the beginning of hockey, is the slew of TV shows starting new seasons. If you’re a geek, break out your happy dance. Good days are ahead.
And the starting lineup of shows kicking off in the next few weeks…
Doctor Who – September 19

Prepare for new adventures through time and space, because the TARDIS is primed and ready to whisk us away to every corner of the universe. There’s nowhere we can’t go, no time we can’t visit, no place too grand or lowly. With the Doctor at the helm, you can rest assured you’ll spend your evenings on gleeful gallivants.
It hurts to admit this, but I haven’t seen season eight yet (strike me down with your lightsaber if you must), which is a bummer because I want to find out what happens, and playing catch-up is such a pain sometimes.
So I can’t say much more than, “Hooray for Doctor Who’s return, even if it means nothing to me yet!”
Now it’s time to do some serious binge watching.
Gotham – September 21
I liked Gotham more than I expected to. It wasn’t as riveting as the Flash, and it lacked the adventures to new worlds that Doctor Who provides, but the storylines held enough interest to keep me watching. Plus, the character arcs of Penguin and the Riddler delved into dark but intriguing places.

What makes Gotham neat is the way it sets up the Dark Knight trilogy and provides a rich backstory for Gotham City and some of its key players. We get to see characters such as Black Widow and Riddler, who played a regular role in the comics, as well as the makings of Jim Gordon as a cop and the gradual path Bruce Wayne takes to becoming Batman.
Season one ended with several surprises, and I’m interested to see what’s in store for Penguin, Bruce, Jim, and Gotham. It should be fun.
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. – September 29

What happened to Simmons?
That’s the question in every S.H.I.E.L.D. fan’s mind. After the heart-wrenching end to season 2, we’ve been dying to learn Simmons’ fate. My guess is we’ll have to wait a few episodes to find out. That’s just cruel.
In the meantime, we have Coulson and Skye to keep us occupied, and the Inhumans are roaming free, which could make for some fireworks.
And admit it: we all want to see what Ward is up to. The sneaking scum.
S.H.I.E.L.D. has plenty of potential to be amazing. Here’s hoping it lives up to that.
The Flash – October 6

They had me at time-travel.
I cannot wait to see Barry Allen back in action. Can I get a “yes” from the peanut gallery? The way season one ended has me gasping in anticipation. What’s in store for Central City? For Barry and his friends? If it’s anything like last season, my inner geek will be thrilled.
I knew nothing about the Flash last year, and even after watching a few episodes I wasn’t hooked. Somewhere along the way, something happened and my opinion skyrocketed—don’t ask me what because I have a terrible memory.
The Flash turned out to be my favorite show last year, and I’m looking forward to more epicness this season. If you haven’t seen it, go remedy that and prepare yourself for the wild ride into Barry’s new adventures.
Arrow – October 7

After season three, I think most fans have grown cold toward Arrow. I know I have. That might be thanks to binge watching all three seasons in like two months this spring. Either way, this is the show I’m least excited about.
I’ll watch it to see if things improve at all, but really, season three drove me up a wall. People were allergic to dying, everybody who was anybody turned into a warrior, the family drama was as thick and sickening as soup gone bad, and Oliver became even more of a jerk—if that was possible.
However, change is on the wind. We’ll see if the new season delivers where its predecessor failed.
Which show are you most excited to see? Which one is your favorite? I would love to hear your thoughts.
4 thoughts on “5 Spec-fic TV Shows to Watch This Fall”
I am dying for Flash to come back. We watched it at the same time we were watching seasons 1 & 2 of Arrow (so certain events accidentally got spoiled!) and it was like literal night & day between those shows. We haven’t finished season 3 yet – by the time we finished season 2, hulu only had the first half of season 3 available and not they’ve posted the last third but there’s a chunk in the middle we haven’t seen so we’re waiting for netflix to catch up.
Shield lost me in the first season though I think hubby finished it but didn’t resume watching during the 2nd season. And I’ve never been into Gotham. Hubby got into Daredevil instead. As for Dr Who, I have yet to see an episode. I really want to start but I’m overwhelmed and not sure where to begin!
I can’t wait for Flash, either, and the same thing happened with watching it and Arrow at the same time and having some spoilers. Gotham is pretty intense, and more along the lines of Arrow, but also cool because you get to see how events and characters were shaped for the Dark Knight trilogy.
I haven’t seen Daredevil and I’m dying to. Heard a ton of great things about it.
Yeah, Doctor Who can be confusing. I’m fond of the Matt Smith years myself. He’s the 11th Doctor, but I’ve heard it’s better to watch the 9th and 10th Doctors (Eccleston and Tennant) first.
Thanks for stopping by!
I admit I’m behind on all of these except Doctor Who (I’ve not seen The Flash or Gotham at all.) I’m waiting for all of them to be out on Netflix!
I’m looking forward to Jessica Jones on Netflix later this year or early next, honestly. I adored Daredevil, and am eager for a season 2 of that, which I understand they’re filming, but I really want to see David Tennant in J.J. as a bad guy! (No! The Tenth Doctor can’t be a bad guy!!!)
Flash is incredible, Gotham is similar to Arrow but better IMO. And shame on me, I haven’t seen Daredevil yet, something I need to rectify posthaste.
David Tennant as a bad guy? That would be…interesting to say the least.
Thanks for stopping by, Liberty.