Are You Living In a Steampunk World?

We’ve reached the last world in the “Are You Living In” series. On deck today, we delve into the unique world of steampunk.

To many, steampunk is the oddball in the world of speculative fiction. We’re familiar with dragons, magic, spaceships, teleportation, and dystopian empires. So who is this strange upstart worming its way into the midst of the favorite children?

While it lacks the widespread popularity of other genres, steampunk is fascinating in its own right. It draws elements from sci-fi and fantasy, and drops them into—typically—a Victorian era setting thrumming with steam-powered equipment and the clack-clack of cogs and gears.

By KyleCassidy (identity confirmed) - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,
Attribution: By KyleCassidy (identity confirmed) – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

I haven’t read many steampunk novels, but the ones I have read, I enjoyed. They bring a different dynamic to the spec-fic world. A crucible where science and magic collide in a web of adventures.

What sort of backdrop do these escapades take place in? How would you know if you’re living in a steampunk world? Aside from walking down the street and coming across the people in the picture above. 😉

Here are 25 indications:

  1. You end up on a submarine with a slightly insane man whom a famous Disney fish is named after.
  2. There’s always a new adventure embark upon.
  3. Monocles are the new trend in eyewear. Even those who have good vision use them.
  4. People exhibit a fondness for wearing top hats of all sizes and styles that rivals their fondness for the monocles.
  5. On the news on day, you hear a fascinating story about a fellow who decided to travel around the world in 80 days.
  6. Boats are capable of sailing…in the sky.
  7. Everyone knows that technically, they aren’t boats. They’re airships.
  8. Seeing someone wearing a fancy dress or dapper suit doesn’t cause you to blink and do a double-take in surprise.
  9. Goggles are a HUGE thing. You know the kind…big, round, everyone wears them up on their heads over their top hats—or airplane-pilot-type-caps, which are also HUGE.
  10. Many contraptions roam the skies in addition to the boats.
  11. Blimps and airships are to transportation what monocles and goggles are to fashion.
  12. Steam is the primary source of energy.
  13. Many elaborate gadgets and devices have been invented. Some seem excessive, as if the inventor merely wanted to make something that looked cool.
  14. Handheld steam cannons.  That is all.
  15. Magic sometimes seeps into this odd world of steam, airships, Victorian fashion, and adventure.
  16. Time travel is possible.
  17. You may come across a vampire.
  18. Outfits range from simple to elegant, but always include lots of flair.
  19. Stories on the news surface of a rogue crew that fought a giant squid.
  20. Alchemy (of the magical variety) isn’t unheard of.
  21. Every bit of technology, equipment, and clothing manages to look simultaneously stylish and eccentric.
  22. Cool typewriters are used instead of keyboards.
  23. Nautical themes are important to architectural design.
  24. The pistols are WAAAY too cool
  25. Tall boots are hipster.

What would be your favorite thing about living in a steampunk world? I’d love to hear your thoughts.

2 thoughts on “Are You Living In a Steampunk World?

  1. These have actually been quite helpful. My WIP right now is some weird fantasy/steampunk crossover that I’ve been struggling to classify, but this list makes me think that it definitely still falls into the “fantasy” realm with hints of steampunk, rather than the other way ’round. 🙂

    1. Cool. Glad they’ve been helpful. 🙂

      The lists aren’t comprehensive, just common elements I notice or have discovered, and steampunk is definitely the genre I’m least familiar with.

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