January 29, 2016Books, Characters, Fantasy, Fantasy Friday A Hobbit, a Quest, and the Danger of Comfort Are you like Bilbo Baggins? When we first meet this homely hobbit, he’s…you guessed it. At home, enjoying his quiet, comfortable life […]
January 22, 2016Author Interview, Fantasy, Fantasy Friday Author Interview with Lauri Matuska Today, I’m happy to have fellow fantasy author Lauri Matuska here for a modern version of the Spanish Inquisi—ahem…I mean, an interview. […]
January 15, 2016Fantasy, Fantasy Friday A Modern Quest When someone says the word “quest,” what do you think of? Frodo’s journey to Mount Doom? Caspian’s seafaring voyage to locate the […]
January 8, 2016Book Reviews, Books, Fantasy, Fantasy Friday Book Review: Merchant of Alyss by Thomas Locke Merchant of Alyss continues the story begun in Emissary, following Hyam, his wife Joelle, and their friends as they embark on another […]
January 1, 2016Characters, Fantasy, Fantasy Friday New Year’s Resolutions from Fantasy Characters As we bid adieu to 2015 and look forward to a new year of possibilities and opportunities, our minds turn to that […]