Lord of the Rings Trivia

Hand Writing with PenIt’s the last Saturday of the month, which means…

Trivia time!

For my inaugural post, I’m proud to present Lord of the Rings trivia. Ten questions to (hopefully) challenge all you LOTR geeks out there.

This focuses on the book, not the movies.

How well do you know Lord of the Rings? Roll up your sleeves, put on your magical thinking helm, and find out.

  1. In the early drafts of Lord of the Rings, what was Aragorn’s name?
  2. In the book, who said, “Short cuts make long delays”?
  3. What is the last line of the second volume?
  4. What was the name of Sam’s pony?
  5. Which two characters of the Fellowship did Tolkien go back and write into the story on one of his revisions?
  6. In pages, what is the longest chapter?
  7. In the book, who won the game between Legolas and Gimli at Helm’s Deep, and how many orcs did he kill?
  8. What is the name of Sam’s gaffer?
  9. According to the timeline, how many years passed between Bilbo’s farewell party and Frodo’s departure from the Shire?
  10. What was the name of Sam and Rose’s first daughter?

How did you do? Find out here: Trivia answers

Let me know how you did!

This is the first trivia edition, and I’d love to get your feedback. Were the answers to hard or too easy? Was ten questions a good number, or would you prefer more? I have a lot of spec-fic trivia categories lined up, but is there anything in particular you’d like to see?

Please share your thoughts (and results!) in the comments.

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