Along with millions of other fans, I can’t wait.
The hype around Avengers: Age of Ultron is undeniable.
This could be the biggest blockbuster of the year.
Of the century.
Okay, maybe not, but there’s no denying the fact that Avengers: Age of Ultron is going to be huge and epic, both the movie and the revenues it rakes in.
That begs the question, with all the high expectations, will it end up being a letdown?
Perish the thought. We’ve waited for months, excitement steadily building to a fever pitch, licking our geeky chops in anticipation. To suggest such a possibility borders on heresy. Still, it’s an interesting question to consider.
An Epic Failure?
Marvel has a track record of producing movies that exceed expectations (Guardians of the Galaxy) and improve on previous movies. I’ve only seen a few trailers, but from what I’ve seen it doesn’t look like the new Avengers movie will be any different.
I’m going to play devil’s advocate for a minute. What would make Avengers a letdown? Why might it not be as awesomely fantastic as we have every right to believe it will be?
Reasons Avengers: Age of Ultron Might Be a Letdown
1. Ultron won’t present a proper threat
I doubt this will happen, but with a team of superheroes, you’d better hope they have a villain worthy of their attention. A hero is only as strong as the villain he or she faces. Loki was a spectacular foe, so if this Avengers movie wants to top its predecessor, Ultron will have to take villainy to a new level.
2. After all the Marvel movies we’ve seen, it will have a been-there-done-that feel
This is about as likely as Tony Stark becoming a humble gentleman. Sure, some things will feel similar—that’s part of storytelling. As long as there are enough new twists that keep us on our toes, everything will be fine.
3. The character interactions will be stale
For all the special effects, epic battles, and cool magic/superpowers, the characters are the engine of the story. If the characters aren’t dynamic and captivating, the whole machine splutters to a pitiful stop. I enjoyed the tension among them in The Avengers, and I don’t want everything to be perfect. There needs to be some intrigue present.
4. The addition of Scarlett Witch and Quicksilver will dilute the team
With six characters already part of the team, adding two more could bog it down. There’s only so much space for each of them to strut their stuff, and with so many central characters vying for attention, it might weaken the team dynamic.
5. Because of the CGI and special effects, it turns into a video-game string of explosions and destruction
Honestly, this possibility worries me, especially with a doom-inflicting robot as the villain. Movies have been moving in this direction more and more, and while it’s not bad in doses, too much could ruin the story.
What If?
I’m sure Avengers will blow everyone away with its awesomeness—or at least that’s what I need to believe to avoid despair until Friday—but it’s always fun to ask “What if?”
I’ll leave you hanging with that. What if…?
Do you have high expectations for Avengers: Age of Ultron? What might let you down? I would love to hear your thoughts.
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