Summer is shaping up to be busy, and with several other projects in the works or soon to start, I’m anticipating a limited amount of time that I can dedicate to blogging.
And honestly, reading enough books to keep up with the demand of two reviews a month isn’t as easy as it sounds.
Beginning next week, I’m going to take a hiatus from posting on Saturdays, which means no regularly scheduled movie and book reviews. Even a blog deserves a bit of a summer vacation, right?
However, there are two things you need to know.
Thing One
I’m still going to do movie reviews as relevant movies when they come out, but it won’t happen on Saturday.
If I happen to read a good sci-fi or fantasy, I’ll probably post a review, but that’s dependent on how many books I can get through. I want to have some in reserve when I pick up the regular reviews again in the fall.
Thing Two
I can’t make any promises, but I have a novella-length story building in the back of my mind, and if I find the time to work on it enough, I’d like to post it over a course of several Saturdays sometime later in the summer or have it available as a PDF for anyone who’s interested.