Wait, you might be saying. Aren’t they already making Narnia movies?
They were. Then they stopped after only three out of seven books, causing weeping and gnashing of teeth among Narnia fanatics—or maybe relief if they were becoming jaded with the downward spiral of each successive movie.
Now a Silver Chair movie is in the works. We’ll see where that goes.
I would love to see Narnia return to the big screen. I loved those books (and audio dramas) as a kid, and now that I’m older, I have a deeper appreciation for Lewis’s mastery in creating those stories.
The movies were good, not great, each one a step down in quality from the last, in my opinion. Still, it riled me when they cut off production after Voyage of the Dawn Treader.
Silver Chair was one of my favorite books, and I was thoroughly looking forward to seeing Eustace and Jill’s adventures north of Narnia.
Now that there’s a glimmer of hope Narnia will return, I wanted to include it in our mini-series.
Check out the previous posts if you missed anything:
The reasons the remaining Narnia books would make awesome movies are numerous and abundant, but here are a few of the top ones.
1. A chance to return to the magical lands we’ve traveled many times
My guess is that for a lot of us, going to Narnia, whether through the books or the movies, is like going back to a favorite vacation spot. We loved it so much the last time we had to return.
Narnia has that magical charm we crave. It doesn’t matter how many times we’ve been, once the opportunity rolls around, we’re headed straight for the wardrobe yet again.
But it also shares timeless truths of love, redemption, loyalty, and sacrifice that give depth and meaning to every adventure.
It’s a shame that our time in Narnia was cut short, exploring but a slice of what it has to offer—but we can always hope for better days ahead.
2. The opportunity to meet new characters and see new places
The movies produced so far mainly followed the Pevensies. The remaining books have unlimited horizons to explore.
- The time before Narnia, when Digory and Polly are there for its creation
- The treacherous lands of the giants and the underland
- The foreign culture and region of Calormen
- The dismal days of Narnia’s twilight
- The joyous discovery of Aslan’s country
The remaining books include some of the most popular characters, from rainy-day Puddleglum to regal Jewel the unicorn, to spirited Bree and average-girl Jill Pole. She and Eustace make a fabulous team, and Will Poulter was such a perfect Eustace that it would be a shame to see him only once.
We also have Shasta and Aravis, Prince Terian, Digory and Polly, and a host of other characters, without whom the series wouldn’t be the same. Their stories deserve attention, too.
3. The completion of a renowned series
Seven movies is a long run, especially with the overabundance of trilogies nowadays. But Star Wars will reach that mark, and the Harry Potter movies made out like Lobelia Sackville-Baggins at an auction, so that’s no excuse.
Narnia fans deserve to see the series finished. How cruel would it be to entice us with three courses of the feast and then send us packing?
Or worse, to add a fourth, stirring our hope, only to shatter it due to disagreements, lack of funds, or any other problems?
For the love of Narnia, we must have the grand finale.
Last Battle is the pinnacle, the culmination of over two thousand years of Narnian history. Not only is it one of the best books in the series, it’s also the fitting end to an epic journey, filled with grand allusions and timeless truths.
Where the end of the story is only the beginning, and each chapter is better than the last.
That’s something everyone deserves to witness.
Would you like to see Narnia completed? Which movie do you think will be your favorite once it’s made? I would love to hear your thoughts.
4 thoughts on “Fantasy Books as Awesome Movies, Part 4 – The Chronicles of Narnia”
Yes!!! I had no idea The Silver Chair was in the works! My life happiness quotient has increased tenfold. I have long wanted to see them film past the Silver Chair (since that’s where the BBC stopped in their versions). The prospect of this just excites me like nothing else! Oh and so few people that I know have listened to, let alone loved, the Focus on the Family radio theater, so great to find a kindred spirit in this!
Let the joyful geeking out begin. 🙂
My favorite was always Voyage of the Dawn Treader and I was so upset with how the movie turned out. The only scene that I actually really liked was the one where Lucy was reading the spell book and had a vision of herself never having been born.
That was a good scene.