Let’s admit it—we all love receiving gifts. If you’re a bookworm, what’s better than getting a free book? (The correct answer is NOTHING!)
Speaking of which, I have a surprise for you. Well, if you read the title of the post, it isn’t a surprise. But it’s still awesome. That’s right, I’m talking about a giveaway—the first of what I hope will be many. Which means you get a chance to win a free fantasy book.
Merry Christmas a few weeks early.
Surely you have questions. Fear not, because I have answers.
Giveaway Details
Emissary by Thomas Locke. You can check out the description over on Amazon. The publisher has granted two copies for the giveaway, so a pair of lucky people will win. Two is always better than one, right?
Who can enter?
Sadly, due to mailing restrictions, only people in the U.S. are eligible to win.
How can you enter the giveaway?
That’s the easiest part. All you have to do is answer the question at the end of the post by leaving a comment and you’ll be entered.
How long will the giveaway last?
Two weeks. So you have until Sunday, December 13 at 11:59 pm MST to comment and have a chance to win. I’ll announce the winners on Monday, December 14. At which time I’m also planning on another exciting announcement, so keep your sharp elvish eyes open for that.
What happens if you win?
I’ll contact the two winners via email with the details. And then you’ll have a new book to explore.
Here are a couple quote graphics to pique your interest.
Now on to the main event. In any fantasy tale, a hero must step forth to do battle with the enemy. In Emissary, that task falls to Hyam. He doesn’t accept the role with glee, but he does determine to do whatever necessary. Heroes tend to be selfless like that—always putting the needs of others before their own.
Hyam is just one of thousands of such characters who have trod the pages of fantasy. Which brings me to my question.
Question: Who is your favorite fantasy hero and why?
Let the entries begin!
33 thoughts on “Fantasy Book Giveaway”
I have three. 🙁 Edmund from the Narnia Chronicles and Eustace from the same series are for identical reasons. I really admire how much they grow and change from snotty, selfish brats to mature, kind young men. Their past experiences give them compassion toward others and they extend mercy and grace because of having received it themselves. To me, they model what Christianity should look like. My third is Samwise Gamgee. I admire his loyalty and devotion toward Frodo and his servanthood.
I guess technically none of them are really the heroes of the stories but they are my favorite heroes nonetheless.
That’s neat. I agree with you about Edmund and Eustace. Great examples of character transformation. And as for Sam, just yes. 🙂
Hi Zachary! This cover caught my eye a while ago, so I’ve been curious to read it. This is a hard question! I have several favorites, but I think I would have to say Samwise Gamgee. 🙂 BUT I’m referring to the movie. I know…sacrilege. He is humble and loyal and steadfast. Without him, Frodo would never have made it.
Great choice, Jennette! Sam is truly one of the greatest heroes in fantasy. As Frodo so poignantly stated in the Two Towers movie, “Frodo wouldn’t have got far without Sam.”
Ahahahaha. Of course. You HAVE to ask the hard questions. 😉
I really love all the characters from the Tales of Goldstone Woods. I suppose I’m cheating a bit by answering that way, but the characters get better with each book in the series, and I admire them all. Especially Rosie (mainly from Veiled Rose.) And Eanrin, a half-cat, because he’s HILARIOUS.
*ends rambled confused I-don’t-know-how-to-answer! comment* 😛
LOL Katie. I guess it wasn’t fair of me to make you think so hard after enduring a taxing month of NaNo, eh? But you managed, so bravo. I haven’t read any of the Goldstone books but I’ve heard a lot of great things about them.
I almost picked the Chronicler from Dragonwitch, but then I thought about Prince Lionheart, and then Sairu…ack! Love the Tales of Goldstone Wood. 🙂
Favorite fantasy character would be Prince Caspian. He is an over-comer.
Cool choice.
Thanks for reading. 🙂
One. Really? JUST one. >:(
It’s a toss-up between Samwise Gamgee/the Brave and Lionheart from the Tales of Goldstone Wood.
Everyone’s already gone into why Sam’s the best (I plan on naming one of my children Samwise), but I also like Lionheart because he took that unicorn horn for you-know-who in you-know-what book (I didn’t want to give anymore spoilers).
And Edmund is close to my heart, too.
So I guess it’s a three way tie. :/
That’s what you get for demanding just one favorite. 😉
Haha, yes. I suppose I could have been nice and allowed two or three, but I guess that’s my cruel streak showing itself, honed by years of putting my characters through the fire. 😉 But I’d have the same problem. Picking favorites is SO HARD.
Those are excellent choices.
Thanks for coming by, Rosalie.
Rosalie, one of my classmate in a theater course I took had named her son Samwise (and he was adorable)! ^_^
Wow, a favorite fantasy hero. That’s difficult. Let’s see… Well, I’m a huge Raymond Feist fan so I’ll have to look there for this one and I’ll go with the fairly early books and pick good ol’ (but young) Jimmy the Hand, or soon to be Squire James (later to be Duke James and so on but he kind of got boring after marriage, but I’m rambling now). He’s a good hero because he’s more nontraditional since he’s just a young thief who, through fun (for readers but dangerous for our poor hero to be) little adventures keeps growing from book to book into a really cool guy. It’s hard to put into words the why part but if you haven’t read the books, give them a try. Maybe it will all make more sense then! Plus you’ll find quite a few more heroes in the books as the history of the world progresses and time moves on from one generation to the next (though it’s sad a lot of times!).
Wow, I hope some of that makes a little bit of sense. The has made me want to put away all the holiday books I’ve dug out and go back to the Feist books! Happy Christmas to all, and Happy any other celebrations any others might have or not have!
Shelly H
Hi, Shelly. Thanks for stopping by.
I’m not familiar with Raymond Feist’s books, but now I’m intrigued. Might have to check them out if I can ever get through my endless TBR list.
Janner, the eldest in the Wingfeather series (by Andrew Peterson) is probably my current favorite. His own struggle to choose to be selfless resonates in my own heart, especially in a new and different season. Janner’s also set as the protector of siblings, which as an eldest myself, I often find myself in that role.
Thanks for hosting the giveaway!
That’s cool, Alison. It’s always neat when you can identify with a character. Haven’t read Wingfeather Saga yet, but I’ve had a TON of people tell me how amazing it is, so it’s definitely on my TBR list.
You’re welcome, and thanks for visiting. 🙂
Oh goodness…ummmm…heehee. There are so many to choose from! One of my favorites would be Dustfinger from the Inkheart books. He doesn’t even particularly like the people around him, and he doesn’t want to be a hero, but time and again he steps up to help when people need it.
Cool. Sounds like a fascinating character.
One … favorite. Ack. =) Let’s go with Martin the Warrior –I adore Brian Jacques’ Tales of Redwall series and Martin’s like the epitome of heroism, becomes a legend in his own right, and his “spirit” guides and protects Redwall years after his death. =)
Yes, I know that’s a cruel question. Haven’t read Redwall, but some of my sibling have, so I’m somewhat familiar with Martin. Sounds like a noble fellow.
It’s actually quite a good series for a series with “talking animals” –I could never get my siblings to read it because of that fact. =/ But I love Jacques’ descriptive prose –story goes wrote his first novel because he was inspired to write for the children at a school for the blind that he made deliveries to. =)
Wow, that’s a neat story.
I knew I should have posted sooner! My thunder was stolen with Janner Wingfeather. Oh well, I should proceed ever forward!
Bilbo Baggins. Yes, I know he is more of a mainstream character. However the depth and complexity of this character is more shown than told of in Tolkien’s word, which is wonderful. I may be out of my depth here, but I will say that how he is portrayed in the films perfectly describes a character who is innocent and ignorant but slowly loses it as he becomes, not a hero, but a man.
Tut tut. Should have come sooner. 😉
Bilbo’s an interesting choice, and I agree with your assessment of his movie character. That transformation was fun to see. However, he becomes, not a hero, but a *hobbit.* LOL
It’s hard to choose one hero, so I’m going to choose three (and try to stop there). Bilbo is my favorite reluctant hero, not quite admitting to himself that he wants an adventure until he’s in the middle of it. 🙂 I like his fondness for maps and his developing courage. My second favorite would be Eustace – an extremely reluctant and only partially heroic character who is redeemed by grace and, my third favorite would have to be . . . um, here’s where it gets hard . . . Will, from The Ranger’s Apprentice Series by John Flanagan. Will is reluctant and worried about becoming a ranger because he really wants to become a knight – however, he finally finds his stride and realizes that not every hero wears armor and wields a sword. (And a fourth mention – Creel from Dragon Slippers by Jessica Day George – the only embroidery needle wielding heroine I’ve ever fully respected.)
All of my favorite heroes are reluctant. Does this say something about me or the heroes of fantasy novels?
I’m fond of maps, too, so I can relate to Bilbo on that score.
Ah, Ranger’s Apprentice. Heard great things about it, but alas, have yet to read it. Will sounds like a fascinating character.
Whoa, wielding an embroidery needle. That’s unique.
LOL I think the majority of fantasy heroes are reluctant. It must be something in the water. 😉
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