A Celebration Featuring Awesome Links and Announcements

Today marks a special milestone. My blog is 100 posts old. *insert clouds of confetti and fireworks*
celebrating with fireworks
Image from www.community-christian.us

It’s fitting that this post falls on Labor Day, since I’ve labored long and hard to reach this point. I don’t know whether to be happy, relieved, shocked, or honored—maybe all of them at once. It’s not always easy, and I certainly don’t hit a home run with every post, but I’m glad I’ve been able to provide some entertainment or inspiration for your benefit.

Thank you to everyone who reads, comments, shares my stuff on Facebook and Google+, and tells me they enjoy reading my posts. You all rock.

I thought we’d celebrate this momentous occasion by doing something a little different. I’m going to flood you with a bunch of links and then say some (hopefully important) things. And you can have virtual cupcakes and tea for Elevenses.

tea and cupcakes for Elenvenses
Image from thedailyobsession.net

First, the links (detours are welcome, but please make it down to the announcements eventually). Five geeky websites, five spec-fic books, and ten all-around awesome videos…because 5 + 5 x 10 = 100. Yes?

Okay, maybe that was lame. Either way, here you go:


Lord of the Rings Wiki

Think Geek

Movie Pilot

Superhero Hype

Comic Booked


1. Steelheart

One of Brandon Sanderson’s forays out of fantasy, this time into the world of superpowers and technology. If you haven’t read Steelheart yet and possess any shred of sense, go to the library or bookstore and get Steelheart ASAP. You can thank me later.

2. Firefight

The sequel to Steelheart.

3. A Time to Speak (coming in October)

This is the second book in the Out of Time Series by my amazing author friend Nadine Brandes. The first book, A Time to Die, was nothing short of incredible, and I’m already salivating in anticipation of the second book. While you wait for round two, you can increase your overall satisfaction in life by reading A Time to Die.

4. Forged Steel

This is the debut urban fantasy novel of another writing friend of mine, H. A. Titus. This was the first urban fantasy book I’d read. You can read my review here.

5. Tales Before Narnia

A collection of stories and poems that influenced the writings of C. S. Lewis. Some of the stories were fascinating, and ranged from fairy tales to time-travel.


Redneck Avengers

The Hunger Games Musical: Mockingjay Parody – Peeta’s Song

Homeschooler at Hogwarts

How the Avengers Should Have Ended

Avengers: Age of Ultron Music Parody

Which Is Nerdier: Star Wars or Star Trek?

Honest Trailers – The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Through Time – A Doctor Who Parody

Star Wars Disney: Let it Flow – Let it Go Parody

Stuff Harry Potter Fans Say


In the famous words of a certain hobbit:

I wish to make an ANNOUNCEMENT.

Don’t worry, I’m not going to pull a Bilbo and slip on my magic ring to disappear, though I don’t like half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.

(P.S. That’s a compliment.)

I actually have two announcements. First, I’ve been working on a story that I’m going to publish on my blog, hopefully starting the last week or two of September. The story asks the question, “What if you could travel back in time and undo a terrible deed you committed?”

I have a general idea of how long it will be, but I just started editing so that might change. Right now, I’m shooting to post it in nine parts. My question for you is, which option would you prefer?

Red Pill Blue Pill
Image from www.businessinsider.com

Red Pill: One part every Wednesday

Blue Pill: One part on Wednesdays, one on Saturdays

Let me know in the comments so I can plan accordingly.

My second announcement concerns a woefully neglected friend known as my newsletter. I know a handful of you have signed up, and I apologize for the deafening silence on my end. Chalk it up to busyness, procrastination, uncertainty, and general “what the heck should I do with this?”

The good news is, I’ve been planning and plotting, scheming and dreaming, and I’m getting together a solid framework for the content. It’s still in the works, but I wanted to let you know I’m determined to start sending it this fall, probably once a month to start.

We’ve reached the part of the program where I’ve run out of things to say. Thanks again for stopping by and convincing me I’m not shouting into an empty void. For a writer, that means a lot.

Here’s to future adventures and craziness.

Further up and further in.

What have you enjoyed most so far? What would you like to see more of? I would love-love-love to hear your thoughts.

10 thoughts on “A Celebration Featuring Awesome Links and Announcements

  1. Thanks for all the links! I need to check some of these out.

    If you’re going to post a serial story, I recommend with going with FEWER installments rather than more, if you’ll be writing to keep up with the schedule at all.

    Congrats on 100 posts! I’ve been enjoying your blog even though I don’t always get a chance to comment. 🙂

    1. You’re welcome, Bethany, and thanks for coming by. I already have the story written, so sticking to a schedule isn’t a huge issue for me other than editing and tweaking before I post each installment.

      When I started 100 posts seemed a crazy long way off, but I made it. Now to keep pressing onward. I’m glad you’re enjoying it.

      1. Haha. Sad as in makes you want to cry? Or sad as in pathetic? Or sad as in, “How could they possibly think combining these was a good idea?”

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