Pop Culture Q&A with Reepicheep

First off, let me say I’m sorry for disappearing abruptly and without warning last week.

I almost fell into a black hole.

Part of the danger of traveling to exotic destinations is that you sign a contract stating you hold yourself fully responsible for any mishaps. Apparently, the small print includes the misfortune of running across black holes. 😮

Moving on…I was actually on a wonderful, fantabulous trip—not Middle-earth or Narnia, but almost as good.

Pop Culture Q&ANow that I have returned, time to roll up my sleeves and interview the next character in our Pop Culture Q&A series. And speaking of Narnia, our guest today knows much about that magical land. And chivalry and honor and boldness.

And tails.

I’m thoroughly excited to have the one and only master mouse, swordsman extraordinaire, Reepicheep.

Pop Culture Q&A with Reepicheep

Me: It’s an honor to have you, Reepicheep.

Reep: The honor is mine, good sir. Though I am still mystified as to the nature of this conversation.

Me: It’s simple. I’m going to ask you questions about pop culture and you can answer them however you like.

Reep: Ah. A duel then?

Image from narnia.wikia.com
Image from narnia.wikia.com

Me: Um…Maybe? *nodding vigorously* Yes, yes, if it helps to think of it that way. Except in this duel, there’s not a victor. It’s just for fun.

Reep: Tis a strange approach, but I will abide by your wishes. Let us begin.

Me: Okay. First question: Do you prefer science fiction or fantasy?

Reep (drawing his sword): I think the answer is plain, my good sir. A world of spaceships and aliens cannot compare to one of fair princesses, dashing warriors, and dragons.

Me: I agree. That said, however, if you had to pick a favorite science fiction story, which would you choose?

Reep: I have not given this particular subject much thought. But since I wish to comply to the rules of this duel, I will say Star Trek, because they were willing to boldly go where no one has gone before. That, I truly appreciate.

Me: Perfect answer. Get ready…this next one is a doozy. Would you rather travel in the TARDIS, run SHIELD, or drive the Batmobile?

Reep (tail twitching): That is a difficult choice indeed. There are men nobler than I who would be better suited to overseeing SHIELD, and though the Batmobile is fascinating, it’s not for me. I’m one for adventure, for daring to explore. Nothing offers a better opportunity than the TARDIS.

Me: I’m with you on that one, buddy. Moving along, you get to star in a movie with a famous singer. Who do you pick?

Reep: Jackie Evancho.

Me: And why did you choose her?

Reep: She reminds me of Lucy.

Me: Aha. Good answer, Reep. And she has an amazing voice, too. Which leads into my next question. Who’s your favorite singer, based solely on his or her voice?

Reep: Andrea Bocelli. His voice is smooth and silky. I often fall asleep listening to his songs.

Me: Since we’re talking about songs, who is an artist you enjoy because of the lyrics?

Reep: There are so many to choose from. However, I’m quite fond of Owl City.

Me: YES! Excellent choice. One of my favorite songs is Unbelievable.

Reep: I’ve always loved Fireflies.

Me: Mmmm, that’s a good one, too. Switching topics, you have the chance to go out to lunch with a famous actor or actress, so who would it be?

Reep (without hesitation): Chris Pratt. From what I’ve seen, he’s an adventurous, honorable fellow. And I somehow think he wouldn’t be startled or annoyed by a talking animal.

Me: This is true. Okay, your top five favorite movies of all time. Go.

Reep: Oh my. You, sir, have a penchant for asking questions to which there are no easy answers.

Me (with a wink): It’s a duel, isn’t it?

Reep: Ah, excellent parry. As for your question, I loved the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie. The adventure, the sailing, the danger. *shivers with excitement* I also watched and re-watched The Lord of the Rings trilogy. Does that count as one or three?

Me: Hmmm. I’ll let it slide and only count as one.

Reep: Thank you kindly. My other three choices would be Ratatouille; Star Wars Episode Six; and of course, my favorite ever—The Princess Bride.

Me: Quite a variety of tastes you have there. Honestly, that last one’s not surprising in the least. Two final questions, and then we can officially call this duel ended.

Reep: Carry on, good sir.

Me: First, if you could be a character in any book, which book would you pick and why?

Reep: Another wonderful question. I could speak of this all day, so I’ll be respectful of your time. Of course, The Princess Bride. Never have I come across such a glorious tale. To be part of it would be more than I could ask.

Me: No surprise there, I guess. Okay, last question. You wake up tomorrow with one song in your head. What is it?

Reep: Superheroes by The Script.

Me: Nice. That’s an excellent note to end on (no pun intended). Thank you again for taking the time to do this, Reep. I’m sure the readers enjoyed it as much as I did.

Reep (with a flourishing bow): It was my pleasure, kind sir.

Image from Tumblr
Image from Tumblr

What question would you ask Reepicheep? I’d love to hear your thoughts here or on social media.

13 thoughts on “Pop Culture Q&A with Reepicheep

  1. Ha, this was great! I love Reepicheep! And I totally love Owl City too! Especially Unbelievable. 🙂 Reep’s choice of movies was wonderful too. I love LoTR, Ratatouille, and The Princess Bride.
    Great post! 😉

    1. I’m glad to hear it, Bethany. I try to make the answers realistic, so it’s good to know I’m succeeding. 🙂

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