The tense anticipation crackling in the air?
Two weeks of nominations and voting have led to this point. Today, the world will learn who holds the title as the Strangest Character in fantasy.
Many set out on the quest to gain this coveted award, but the final choice came down to five considered worthy above all others.
- Peet the Sockman from The Wingfeather Saga
- Calcifer from Howl’s Moving Castle
- Winter from The Lunar Chronicles
- Laura the Doorkeeper from The Rizkaland Legends
- Nidawi from Tales of Goldstone Wood
But before the winner is revealed…
Introducing the Ceremony
A crowd has gathered in a shaded clearing deep in a forest as old as legend. They have come from far and wide, across plains and deserts, mountains and seas, and even from the beyond the stars.
In the distance, a brook babbles as it wends over rock and under bank, and an earthy aroma hangs heavy in the air.
To one side stands Puddleglum, looking rather puddly and glum despite the glimmering jewel he holds that announces him as the winner from two years past.
Glancing at the cloudless sky, he mutters, “Rain’s not far off, I shouldn’t wonder. We’ll all be wet as barn owls in a gale before all’s said and done.”
A cry cuts through the noise. “Look out! Stand aside!”
A figure wearing a blue vest, turquoise waistcoat, and towering orange hat scampers down the center aisle between the benches carved from mighty oak branches.
“Hello, Cloudy Face!” he says to Puddleglum. “What day is it? Why are we here? I heard rumors. Another award presentation? I brought my Silmaril from last year.” He proudly lofts it up and turns to the onlookers, dancing from foot to foot as if the ground were scalding.
“Best find a bag or hole to hide it in before the storm,” Puddleglum says. “Should have thought to do that myself,” he adds under his breath.
“Storm? What storm?” The Mad Hatter looks skyward, then snorts. “Sun’s shining! It’s time for more awards! I would rather like another jewel to add to my collection. Or maybe a jewel-encrusted chest full of tea.”
Welcome the Presenter of the Strangest Character Silmaril
Over the murmur of voices, a song carries on the gentle breeze.
Oh no, there you go, Mad Hatter oh so selfish!
Your turn has come and now ’tis gone, a fact we do relish!
Once a jewel your hand does hold, ne’er to leave your keeping,
No more shall you win again, no matter all your weeping!
Yellow boots pop out of the thick foliage at the edge of the clearing. A moment later, the rest of Tom Bombadil bursts into view as his voice swells…
Welcome one and welcome all, to my forest pleasant!
Feel the wind and hear the stream bubbling effervescent!
‘Tis a goodly spot to learn the truth of this year’s winning,
Sing a tune and hum a song while the sun shines glimm’ring!
The audience stirs as Tom prances to the front bench and motions to the five finalists.
Up you get, you worthy crew, picked for being strange!
Stand up here and let me them see your quirks in their full range!
Be not shy and stand up tall, like the forest darkling!
Show your oddities right now. Look, they are so sparkling!
The Mad Hatter leans over and whispers to Puddleglum, “And they call me Mad.”
Winner of the Strangest Character Silmaril
Bombadil dances about, face red as a mulberry, eyes shining as he continues his sing-song chant.
Yes! At last, the time has come! No more breathless waiting!
Here’s a tune to make you glad, your interest to be sating!
Are you ready now to hear who was picked the winner?
So you can go merrily back home for your dinner?
Shouts of “Yes!” and “Tell us!” ripple through the crowd.
A tale of woe and tale of wailing, does this character bring!
But also of his chivalry and madness I do sing!
Once was great, now fallen far, a sorry, broken beast!
Makes his home up in the trees, by men considered least!
Noble heart and brow he bears, and him no one can kill!
Named the Strangest Character! Worthy of Silmaril!
Now up and raise your voices high, into the sunny span,
For the winner of this award—Peet the great Sockman!
The audience erupts with shouts of “Hurrah!” and clapping.
At the clamor, Peet falls to the ground, shaking. “All the noise. Mo such! I mean, so much.”
“I suppose congratulations are in order,” Puddleglum says while the other finalists pat Peet on the back and pull him to his feet.
“No! No! No!” Peet shrieks. “I failed. Leave me be.”
Humming to himself and ignoring Peet’s plea, Bombadil pulls the Silmaril from inside his tattered coat.
“It would be such a pity for that to get wet,” Puddleglum mutters.
“For me?” Peet asks, eyes wide. “But the Iggywings. I mean Featherwigs. I mean…” He shakes his head and once again claps his socked hands over his ears.
Come, now! Don’t be shy, the jewel’s for your keeping!
Lift your head and take it, and put an end to weeping!
The purple Silmaril glints in the fierce sunlight like a glowing orb as Tom carefully places the ribbon over Peet’s head. As the weight settles around his neck, Peet lowers his hands. “Must protect them,” he says. “But I can’t. Too vany moices. Many voices.”
“You look in desperate need of a cup of tea,” the Mad Hatter says.
“No tea! No food! Just…” Peet trails off, gaze darting about the clearing and at the now-silent audience.
As if some invisible sound has pierced his soul, Peet leaps to his feet with a loud cry. “SAVE THEM! Fear not, Wiggylings! Iggybits!” With a roar to put the chill of dread into the darkest heart, Peet bounds away, leaving the audience staring.

After an awkward moment of silence, Bombadil cries out:
Hey dol! Off we go, each to hearth so merry!
Skipping down the sunny paths, picking juicy berries!
Thank you, one and all, your presence bringing here!
Merry dol! Don’t forget! Return again next year!
Final Results and Important Things
I don’t know about you, but I’m SO GLAD Peet won! Nobody deserves it more (I may be biased cuz I’m reading The Wingfeather Saga right now and really wanted to write Peet as the winner). 😛
In case you’re interested, here are the final tallies:
- First place: Peet the Sockman – 58 votes
- Second place: Calcifer – 48 votes
- Third place: Winter – 41 votes
- Fourth place: Laura the Doorkeeper – 24 votes
- Fifth place: Nidawi – 17 votes
And now, in the indelible words of Oskar N. Reteep, “I guess that’s settled.”
Be sure to stop by the other award ceremonies this week and next:
- Sept. 17 – Least Competent Henchman
- Sept. 18 – Most Mischievous Imp
- Sept. 19 – Strangest Character (you’re here!)
- Sept. 20 – Most Faithful Friend
- Sept. 21 – Silver Tongue
- Sept. 24 – Wisest Counselor
- Sept. 25 – Most Nefarious Villain
- Sept. 26 – Most Epic Hero
- Sept. 27 – Most Epic Heroine
- Sept. 28 – Most Magnificent Dragon
Thank you for taking part in the 2018 Silmaril Awards! Hope you enjoyed it as much as I and my fellow Silmarites did.
⇒ Who did you think would win?
⇒ Who were you rooting for?
144 thoughts on “Winner of the Strangest Character in the 2018 Silmaril Awards”
Wahoo! I’m pretty biased towards Peet myself (and awesome job with Tom Bombadil, haha). Loved this!
Peet’s the best. 😀 Not only for his Sockman identity, but for who he becomes.
Haha, thanks! Bombadil’s lines were fun to write. Glad you enjoyed it! 😀
OH MY GRACIOUS YAY – I WANTED PEET TO WIN SO BAD! Hurray! You portrayed him (and all the other characters) so perfectly, it was hilarious and epic ;D. Peet’s immediate “mo such” the minute he started talking made me laugh xD. Which Wingfeather book are you reading right now?
SO DID I! So suffice it to say, this was probably my favorite of the three years.
Oh yay, glad I did the other characters justice, too. (Your post last year gave me the idea to include Bombadil’s singing, so thanks for the inspiration!) 😀
I’m a few chapters into the last book, which my sister informed me should make me bawl by the end of it. 😮
You captured Peet’s intensity and madness perfectly in this post. He truly is a disturbed soul and one of the strangest characters around. And great job with all the Bombadillian poetry. That must have taken quite a while to write! I especially liked the last four lines. Yes, indeed, we should all return next year!
Glad to hear I did a good job on Peet. 🙂
Thanks! Some of the lines came easily but some were like pulling teeth. And oh good. I actually hadn’t been planning for Bombadil to wrap up with those last four lines, but when the idea popped into my head it was too perfect to leave out.
I’m thrilled that Peet won the Silmaril this year! Huzzah for Peet!
Yes, huzzah!!! 😀
Oh goodness! Okay, last year the Silmaril Awards finally gave me the kick in the pants I needed to read the Lunar Chronicles… I think this year it’s got to be the Wingfeather Saga!!
I was personally rooting for Laura or Calcifer, but I don’t know Peet… so… Huzzah for Peet! I look forward to meeting him soon!
Do it, Jenelle! Wingfeather is…beautiful, sorrowful, haunting, inspiring. Like I want to go on and on but words don’t really do it justice.
And yes, HUZZAH FOR PEET!! 😀
Also, LOVE all the rhyming!!! Not an easy feat, and you pulled it off brilliantly!
Oh yay!! Glad to hear it! 😀
*APPLAUDS* What a great ceremony! Puddleglum’s comments were great. XD
I’ve shamefully not read the Wingfeather Saga yet, so I don’t personally know Peet, but from what I’ve heard he’s very worthy of this award!
Thanks, Christine! Glad you enjoyed it. 🙂
Hehe, good old Puddleglum. I couldn’t resist adding some pessimistic flair. 😉
^^That was me for like 3 years. But I finally started it a few months ago and wow. There just aren’t words to describe how heartrendingly beautiful it is. You should definitely check it out!
Oh, good! Peet definitely deserves a Silmaril. 😀
My thoughts exactly. And what better Silmaril could he possibly have? 🙂
My goodness, I haven’t read the Wingfeather saga yet, but I can tell right now I love Peet’s character! You made him so realistic. And wow, you’ve got rhyming skills, Zach! This was so much fun to read. 🙂
Glad to hear I did Peet justice! TBH he comes so alive in the books that it wasn’t too hard to capture his personality. He’s really one of a kind.
Why thank you! 🙂 Maybe I’m a poet even though I didn’t know it? 😛
So glad you enjoyed the post! 😀
This was wonderful!! And hurrah for Peet! I have yet to read the Wingfeather Saga, but thanks to so many of the characters being nominated, and now winning, I’ll have to check it out! 😀
Thanks, Madeline! And YES PEET!!
Also, Wingfeather = MUST READ. My sister and friends bugged me about it for 3 years. I finally gave in and started. And now I’m like, “Why in the blue blazes did I wait so long????” 😮
PEET!!!! <3 <3 <3
YESSSS!!!! 😀
Ahhhh, I’m so glad my favorite Sock-Man won this award!! 😁
Awesome job with all the characters, too! I’d never be able to write that much rhyme in one blog and keep it relevant and Bombadill-ish, too! *internet high-five*
ME TOO! I was internally begging for Peet to win from the moment he was nominated. #biasedmuch 😉
Thanks, Shay! I had fun writing it, and since I’m pretty familiar with the characters (not so much the Mad Hatter, tho), I rather had a grand time. And figuring out the rhyming was fun, but kinda hard to keep it relevant. LOL
Amazing, Zachary!! I loved this! I’m not familiar with all of these characters, but I’m now eager to read all their books.
Thanks, Kyle! Glad to hear it! 😀
Also, at risk of sounding like a broken record… (*whispers* if you haven’t read Wingfeather yet, you really really really should).
Those have been on my list for a long time; I definitely need to read them. They sound terrific.
Yes! DO IT! They’re heartbreaking and heroic and beautiful and sorrowful and action-filled and, and, and. Just yes.
YAY, PEET!!! I’m so excited he won! 😀 Also, excellent post on all counts!
Me too, Deborah! He deserved it. 😀
Glad you enjoyed it. 🙂 🙂
Congrats to Peet! I really, really, really MUST read the Wingfeather Chronicles! Soon!
What a lovely atmosphere this ceremony had–from the forest to the singing to the recognition of past winners. Loved every bit of it!
Yes, yes, yes you MUST. 😛
Oh good. I wanted it to feel Bombadil-esque. 🙂 Happy to hear you enjoyed it, Tracey!
YESSSS! PEET! FINALLY! He’s been a runner-up twice already, and I’m so glad he finally won!
Of course, now I want to actually finish the series and find out what he’s talking about. I’ve read the first one, so I know a little, but I suspect there’s way more. Either way, he’s one of my favourite characters in the series.
I love the other characters too–Tom, Puddleglum, the Hatter, all strange as ever, I see. “And they call me mad.”
Great job! 😀
Good old Peet! Third time’s a charm I guess? And yes, you must read more. IT’S SOOOO GOOD!!! I’m halfway through the last book and if you think Peet is epic and incredible and fascinating after the first book, it gets better. Oh so much better.
The “supporting cast” was fun to write. All strong personalities, so that made my job easier. 😂
Glad you liked it, Gracelyn! 🙂
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