November 6, 2015Characters, Fantasy, Fantasy Favorites, Fantasy Friday Favorite Fantasy Villain Lord Voldemort. Sauron. The White Witch. These names strike fear into the hearts of those who hear them. They are but a […]
October 5, 2015Geeky Stuff 30 Things I Would Do If I Ruled the World You know what I hate about villains? They lack imagination. Think about it for a minute. I’m sure you can come up […]
July 20, 2015Characters, Speculative Fiction Should Villains Be Redeemed? O villains, villains, what are we to do with you? Villains play a key role in most stories. Unless the force opposing […]
April 15, 2015April 15, 2015Archive of Awesome, Characters The Code of Villains As promised, it’s time for the Code of Villains. It’s not a comprehensive list, and some villains rebel from the norms. They […]
March 4, 2015Archive of Awesome An Application Guide for Aspiring Villains Did you ever wonder where villains come from? Do villains crop up like weeds wherever they like, or is there a refined […]