For five weeks characters from sci-fi and fantasy have battled, each hoping to reach this moment, this pinnacle of triumph.
A trumpet fanfare blasts into the crisp air, as the contestants and many folk from Fandomland gather to hear the announcement. Even Tony Stark and his pity-party friends have made an appearance for the grand occasion.
The two finalists, Sam Gamgee and Han Solo, stand upon a pedestal facing one another.
Sam, flushing scarlet, looking around as if wanting to hide from all the eyes fixed on him.
Han, standing tall, confidence written in his expression.
A white owl descends, gripping in its talons a banner. Slowly the green cloth unfurls to reveal the name of the champion. In flowing golden script, it reads:
The onlookers erupt in applause as Sam stares astounded. Han claps him on the shoulder. “Good show, little hobbit. I’m impressed.”
“I—I don’t rightly know what to say,” Sam mutters.
Someone in the crowd begins to shout. “Three cheers for Sam! Three cheers for Sam!”
A unicorn trots up the steps onto the pedestal and presents Sam with a marble plaque inscribed with the following:
Defender ~ Gardener ~ Faithful Companion ~ Friend
Champion of The Great Character Clash
“I don’t deserve this,” Sam says. “Thank you all. I’m not one for fancy words or long speeches, but I’m right honored to be here, and to have been picked as the winner. It means a lot. I think I made the Shire folk proud, and Mr. Frodo, and Gandalf, and Strider, and all of them.”
And now a tribute to the brave, loyal, beloved Sam Gamgee.
**major shout out to Keven Newsome, who created the video and gave me permission to share it**
**breaking news**
Upon the conclusion of the ceremony, Iron Man announced an open invitation to join him at Stark Tower to celebrate Sam’s victory.
When asked for a reason, this was his response:
“Clearly the second-best character won this tournament, which is unfortunate. But I’m over that now. It’s time to build bridges, and the little man with hairy feet has heart. Gotta give him that. He deserves some recognition. And I’m the kind of guy who does that for people.”
**end breaking news**
Well friends, the journey has ended, and what a journey it has been. I don’t think anyone in the tournament was more deserving of the victory than Sam. He’s such a loveable, inspiring fellow.
A hobbit-heart-sized THANK YOU to everyone who contributed to making the tournament a success. You’re amazing. I hope you enjoyed following the tournament and voting as much as I did organizing it.
Thus concludes The Great Character Clash of 2017.
What was your favorite part of the Character Clash tournament? I’d love to hear your thoughts here or on social media.
8 thoughts on “Announcing the Winner of The Great Character Clash”
Favorite part was definitely that Sam won! XD Great Character Clash Zachary. 🙂
Thanks, Karisa! Yes, Sam deserved the victory. 🙂
Yes it looks like the best character won. Congrats Sam. Shot out to Kevin Newsome, that video was amazing.
Agreed, Cathrine. Given’s all the love for Han in the previous rounds, I honestly thought the final would be closer than it was. Just goes to show how much people love Sam.
Yes, the video was perfect!
Aaaah! I so love that trailer. (High five to Keven Newsome!) Sam has always been my favorite LOTR character and to see him honored is fantastic!
Yeah, I saw that video the other day in the Realm Makers Consortium and knew it would be perfect if Sam won. 😀
YAY FOR SAM!! 😀 Wow, that was SO. MUCH. FUN!
Thanks, Madeline. Happy to hear you enjoyed it so much. 😀